Hi! I'm Colette. Welcome to my first blog.
I'm currently an engineering student at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Being a woman in a field that is mostly dominated by men, I often find myself looking for a creative, let's say, "girly" outlet. I hope this blog will serve this purpose. Like most engineers, I love things like star wars, games and gadgets, but I also love unicorns, cooking, doing my nails and shopping.
This blog will be about the interesting things I encounter on the internet and in my day to day life. I will try to post about a new recipe that I have tried at least once a month and review a restaurant. I will also post about interesting websites I come across when I surf the net. I might even talk about interesting movies or books I come across.
I hope you enjoy my blog! Please feel free to leave comments and/or make suggestions.
Happy blogging!!